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Living Stones vs Bricks


Living Stones vs Bricks
Living Stones vs Bricks

The distinction between a brick and a stone shows the contrast between religious and divine purpose. Bricks are uniform and molded to fit a specific design, representing how religious systems can try to shape individuals into a predetermined form, overlooking individuality and purpose. Stones, on the other hand, are unique, shaped by nature or should I say after the nature of God, and fit into a larger structure called the living Church.

Jesus as a living stone and the chief cornerstone never intended us to fit into a human system or expectation, but was part of something much greater, crafted by God’s hand to fulfill a unique role.

The religious will promise you heaven once you commit yourself to the brick molding process and then put your name on the chair you sat in to conform you. Duplicating each person as a brick to the tower to reach the heavens. Same routine nothing changes but under the guise of unity.

If you do not know your purpose you default to a brick. You will need someone else to tell you how to live verses the voice of purpose as why I live.

The power of water coming out of a rock verifies that it is alive. Jesus the rock of our salvation poured out water on the cross showing He truly was the chief cornerstone when stuck.

God cannot dwell in dead stones.

This generation yearns to be in a house of living waters. Jesus said, "I tell you, if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out." Bricks have no voice, but even a stone, though out of place, cries out for purpose. Jesus seeks to dwell among living stones, positioned rightly by the revelation of their purpose. The impossible only flows from those who discover, as He is so are we in this world. Living stones.



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